Friday, July 31, 2009

Can Conch Shells change your life?

In India, the conch shell is revered and used for divine purposes.
In the long and luminous spiritual tradition of India, the role of conch shells is incredibly significant but one that is hardly known to the outer world. Conch Shells are a divine gift and a treasure to mankind which preserve the bhakti bhava (prayerful attitude), of mankind.
Conch Shells promote, preserve your truth and integrity. Conch Shell abhishekams have been practised for many centuries to obtain incredible secretive material and spiritual blessings.
The spiritual science behind the Conch Shell Abhishekam is that all the sacred sounds including the greatest mantra, 'Om', the sound that created this entire universe is present in the Conch Shell. The sacred mantras and Vedas are absorbed by the Conch Shells and presented to humanity. If your home or shrine uses Conch Shells for prayer, the entire area is purified and becomes a place of happiness, divinity and incredible prosperity.
Vedas state that Banker in Heaven, Kubera lives in the Conch Shell along with Mahalakshmi. When you regularly conduct Abhishekams and worship using the right threaded Conch shell known as 'Valam Puri Sanku', you receive great material blessings.
As per Siddhas, the Conch Shells are actually an essence of divinity. It has the blessings of the celestials to participate in the poojas and rituals. Just like how the lamps are used for worship on land, the Siddhas say that underwater beings also perform prayers using lamps. The celestial beings associated with the conch shells help to light lamps under water for the benefit of sea beings.
The Pradosham falling on Aug 3rd, is the day of Soma Pradosham, which means a Pradosham falling on Monday. The Pradoshams falling on Monday and Saturday are considered especially beneficial time period to remove stubborn Karmas. When the pooja and abhisehkam to Lord Shiva and Nandi is performed with 108 Conch Shells, it provides miraculous benefits.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Naga Chaturthi and Panchami.

On July 25th and 26th (as per Indian Almanac) You will have the limited opportunity to remedy Rahu and Ketu afflictions. These days are highly sensitive and are referred to as Naga Chaturthi and Panchami.
Rahu and Ketu are the mysterious shadow planets that represent the North and South nodes of the Moon. The nodes are the points of intersection of the Earths course around the Sun with the Moons course around the Earth.
Often, Rahus influence is illusionary, dissolving and disintegrating. It is also an eccentric, creative, disruptive and revolutionary force. Ketus influence is regarded as psychic, detaching, penetrating, manipulative and catastrophic.
Rahu and Ketu together are behind most psychological disorders, attraction to the dark side of life, incurable diseases, possession by negative entities and sudden negative events. They can create considerable current lifetime damages.
If you have Kala Sarpa Yoga, or are in a Rahu or Ketu major /minor period this is an essential time for you to remedy the malefic effects of these planets.
If your birth star is one of Ashwini, Arudra, Pushya, Magha, Swati, Mula, Uttarashada and Satabhisha, then there is no better time to appease Rahu and Ketu right here.
Per myth, Rahu and Ketu were originally one being. Lord Vishnu cut Rahu-Ketu into two halves when he discovered them guised as a God in order to steal some immortal elixir. Rahu being the head is the significator of intelligence. It is not mundane knowledge, but the higher intuitive intelligence. Whereas Rahu represents wisdom and knowledge, Ketu represents liberation which makes Rahu and Ketu the most influential hidden forces in human life. They are not easy to understand as their influences are always off-stage.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

New Moon and Solar Eclipse

This Month, the New Moon falls on Tuesday, July 21st, followed by a very rare Solar elipse on July 22nd.
Scientists say, a complete solar eclipse like this was witnessed about a century back and unless you plan to stick around for another 124 years, You will probably never have the chance to be a part of this event ever again...
A Solar Eclipse has the power to turn your life upside down. On this occasion, the Sun, which is the source of life and light, gets overpowered by the Moon, which represents darkness and mystry. This is a rare event on New Moon (Amavasya Tithi).
This total solar eclipse falls on Wednesday July 22, 2009 (Starts: 5:30 AM, Maximum: 6:21 AM, End: 7:19 AM IST).
Scientifically, the Sun, the Earth and the Moon are in straight line during Solar eclipse and the Sun seems to be "overshadowed". These signify a divine time shift for celestials and represents a perfect opportunity to appease your ancestors and get incredible blessings.
For all of us, at a personal level, eclipses signify "Change". It is time for new beginnings and our ability to adapt to change will be tested to the limits. Responding graciously and keeping a positive outlook to the new events and relationships would prove most beneficial.
As per Siddhas, the New Moon represents synergy of solar and lunar rays. Lord Shiva's right eye signifies the Sun and his left eye signifies the Moon. When Lord Shiva's yogic vision, both left and right are focused on the third eye, New Moon is created.
t is particularly important to chant or listen to Aditya Hrudaya chants which were given to Lord Rama by sage, Sri Agastya.
Leos in particular, may get entangled in a leagal issue as the eclipse will occur in your 12th house. Even a foreign trip may turn out to be very hectic and you are advised to be careful while planning an expedition. Make sure you have all the required documents. An opportunity for a change in career may also present itself. You may want some time on your own thoughts.
Taurians, will have problems related to travel and family as the eclipse will ocur in your 3rd house. Your travel schedule can frustratingly hectic, or worse, a very crucial trip may get cancelled. Despite your selfless approach towards your relatives, you may find it difficult to keep them happy. You require patience.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Freedom, Prosperity and Happiness

Goddess energy or Shakti is the ever present dynamic force which activates this world. It is immanent in every being and the Universe. Goddesses are revered and celebrated so that they bless us with both material and spiritual abundance. Goddess worship primarily happens on Fridays of every week, which is also the day for planet Venus.
The month of Aadi( July to August), is considered very special for Goddesses.
These Fridays in Aadi are called 'Aadi Velli', where 'Aadi' is the Vedic month (Mid July - Mid Aug) and 'Velli' in Tamil refers to Friday. This year there are five auspicious Fridays, for all those who want to establish a special bond with Goddesses.
The Goddess stays in the form or a rock or statue that retains her energy. It is important to identify those shrines and establish your connection with your Goddess.
The whole world is under the influence of Icha Shakti, Kriya Shakti and Jnana Shakti.
Icha Shakti is the will power, the power of desire or motivation which relates to the mind.
Kriya Shakti is the power of action, the ability to act for the fulfillment of the desire that relates to physical body.
Jnana Shakti represents the power of knowledge, the capacity to know and recognize, which relates to the soul.
It is incredibly powerful to worship and offer prayers in these Shakti temples on Goddess Fridays.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Victim of Evil Eye?

Your thoughts have energy, both positive and negative. It is a scientifically proven fact that food or water, when blessed, heals. Negative thoughts when directed towards someone has the ability to affect him. These negative thoughts directed at you that results in unfortunate outcomes for you, your family or your business is popularly known as evil eye. Evil-eye is a stream of negative energy that affects the person or object on which it is directed. The person under the influence of evil eye, is subject to waves of negative energies which results in illness, listlessness and failures which can't be explained medically.
Astrology and Evil Eye: There is a connection between the stars, planets and your susceptibility to fall prey to evil eye and being the object of jealousy. Our astrologers state that it is due to planets, houses and their relative placements which indicate your susceptibility levels. Planetary time periods and sub-periods called 'Dashas' and 'Bhuktis' influence your well being and the ease with which you are subject to these energy attacks.
Astrologers have given certain Dasha-Bhukti planetary combinations which could be difficult periods for you. They also prescribe the ways to overcome these malefic combinations to ensure your health and wealth doesn't suffer. The primary cause for your evil eye problems is due to the major and minor planetray conditions that you are running currently. For instance if you have a Rahu major and Saturn minor, you become an easy target for energy attacks. Another important reason is the influence of Saturn mainly during the malefic Seven and Half years of influence known as "Sade Sate".
The best way to shield yourself from the malefic forces is to perform certain fire rituals like Prathyangara Homa, Sudarsana Homa and Sharaba Homa.

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6th is the most auspicious Full Moon of the year

Monday, July 6th is the most auspicious Full Moon of the year to pay ones respect and reconnect to God or the Guru. This particular Guru Poornima ushers in a new profound energy to change your incorrect views about money. On this day there will be rare Goddess energies sweeping the earth plane which can help you transform your life for the better.
The Goddess energies are no other than prana or "life force" energy that exists in all things. By tapping into this energy, you can gain clarity and power to manifest material abundance.
On this auspicious day -
Feed the Hungry: Feeding people on Guru Poornima day is considered the most sacred act that will fetch you the blessings of God and help you to tune into the bliss energy or grace light.
Seek Empowerment from the Goddess of Wealth: Sri Lakshmi is the Goddess of Material Abundance and Lord Kubera is the "Banker of Heaven".
Reconnect with God: With the help of Puja and Mantras to celebrate the most auspicious full Moon of the year.

Mars enters Taurus on July 3rd

When Mars is in good position one can become a king / prime minister / president of a country. That person will also have a lot of landed property including multiple homes, apartments and complexes. Mars is a very important planet.
When Mars is weak or badly placed he will create debts of all kinds (credit card, mortgage, medical) as well as diseases. Relationship will also be a problem. There will be constant fighting between partners which will cause loss of money and peace of mind.
Mars enters Taurus on July 3rd and stays there till Aug 16th. Things would slow down significantly for everyone.
Your energies are settling down to a fine rhythm with a firm platform being laid for future plans. Anger and impatience are two devious qualities that could raise their serpentine head time and again during this transit. It is important to guard against anger that could throw you out-of-balance. Special care need to be taken at home when you deal with near and dear.
Watch out for your diet and take it easy at work.
In Vedic astrology Mars is ruled by Muruga also called Subramanya or Karthikeya. Propitiation of Muruga controls the bad results from Mars. Muruga is compassionate being who is constantly involved in the evolution of planet earth. During 2013 he will play a major part in bringing the golden age to our planet. Besides giving worldly boon, Lord Muruga is involved in bestowing enlightenment to humans as well as gods.

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