Saturday, May 28, 2011

What is Pradosham?

Pradosham literally means the removal of sins. These times are the windows of opportunity to remove karma or karmic energies that limit our potential in this current life.

The 3 Levels of Pradosham
Each energy level indicates how much karma may be released at that time. All levels are designed to help speed our evolution and make our lives easier and happier.
First Level: All Pradoshams occur between 1-1/2 hours before and right up until the moment of sunset in the time zone where you are physically.
The Middle Level: These Pradoshams occur twice each month - on the 13th moon day after the New Moon and after the Full Moon.
The Supreme Level: Sani Pradosham and Soma Pradoshams occurs when one of the 13th moon days occurs on a Saturday or a Monday respectively. The planet Saturn is considered an Agent of Karma who delivers many of life's tougher lessons to help us refine and evolve our souls. Pradosham time are measured by the phases of the Moon.
Sani Pradosham - When 13th Moon falls on Saturday
It is believed that Shiva has more influence over Saturn on this day and can cause Saturn to loosen or release entirely some of the karmic bonds that limit us. It is also thought that the first Pradosham was on a Saturday and observing this time transports us back to time of the Churning of the Milky Ocean.
Soma Pradosham - When 13th Moon falls on Monday

Monday is known to be time to worship Shiva, it is the day ruled by His consort, the Goddess Parvati who rules over the Moon. The Moon rules emotions and emotions influence thought. Karma is created by thought.

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