Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Air Element Signs: Aquarius Libra Gemini

All Zodiac Signs are grouped in to four triplicates based on their Ancient Greek elements that sustain a balanced life force. 
The other triplicates are the Water Element Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, Fire Element Signs: Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, and the Earth Element Signs: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

Air is flexible, mutable and expansive. Air is social, flowing and touching all. Air is the thought behind the idea that others follow.
The Air Element signs are amongst the most thoughtful group in the Zodiac. The main characteristic is of a person who thinks first and acts later. Air signs weigh up the pros and cons and come to a decision based on the objective facts as presented to them. They will often try to analyse a situation from afar rather than jumping in and experiencing the emotions that others feel automatically.
Air signs are able to adapt to any given situation by looking at their options and making the best decision available to them. They are curious about the universe and like to find the answer to life’s big questions. With a wide range of study interests they are also good story tellers. Many journalists, writers and singers are air signs.
Air signs are often the centre of gossip and attention. If something interesting is happening, they will have all the facts and more at their disposal. Their need to take in all the information makes them great conversationalists.
In relationships the need for air signs to keep their distance is not always endearing to everyone, but others find the space this gives them a refreshing alternative to to other signs.

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