Thursday, January 30, 2014

New Moon in Aquarius at 21:38 on the 30th January 2014

The New Moon in Aquarius plants the seeds of new possibilities. As a sign, Aquarius energy is geared towards the future. Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius thinks outside of the box and has no fear of trying something new or going against the grain. When the New Moon in is Aquarius, it’s a time to start thinking about the future you would like to build. 
Thursday morning the Moon in Aquarius applies into conjunction with the Sun. The exact conjunction is the new moon. Particularly in Aquarius, this a hopeful, fresh energy. It’s not a time to rush but to take things as they come, organically, and ready yourself to renew.
It’s perfect for seeking out new connections to help you towards your goals. Whilst independent action also comes under the jurisdiction of this sign, Aquarius knows that everything is connected. You are part of society and the wider world.

Often called a Blue Moon, this gives us a second chance to write out our new resolutions, or rewrite some of our older affirmations that haven’t come to fruition yet. Those whose birthdays are near this New Moon will be starting a new lunar cycle whose energy will last for a few months.

This is New Moon of opportunity. In order to take advantage of this, it may be necessary to get out of your own way – adjustments are needed. There may be a tendency to over plan or simply to take a shot in the dark riding on an optimistic high.Make a plan and have faith that it will work.

Find what works. Negotiate a better future.
The New Moon in Aquarius on the 30th — the evening hours of the 30th, and the daytime hours on the 31st will be the best times to write out your affirmations and wishes. Be creative in your thinking, dig into your deepest recesses to “feel” just what it is you truly want and/or need at this time. Believe in the power of your innate being to be able to use the Universal energies to help you achieve your best self, and find your most steadfast pathway in this lifetime here on Earth. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice post. House position tells about your postion will be that time in
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