Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Surya Grahan / Solar Eclipse - March 9th, 2016

Surya Grahan / Total Solar Eclipse, will take place on March 9, 2016 in India – early morning hours in India. The Suryagrahan will be taking place in India time between 5:07 AM and ends at 6:47 AM. Mid eclipse is at 6:37 AM. In India it is a partial eclipse. The Solar Eclipse is not visible in western parts of India - Western Maharashtra, Gujarat and Western Rajasthan.

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Total Solar Eclipse occurs on 9 March 2016 when Sun is conjunct with Moon in Aquarius aspected by Jupiter and Rahu in Leo. Both Moon and Sun will be on constellation of Poorvabhadra and Jupiter, Rahu in UttaraPhalguni constellation during this eclipse.

Solar Eclipses, especially in signs owned by Saturn, cause low blood pressures, anaemia, fatigue, disturbed relations in family, indigestion, nervous weakness. Also will lead to insomnia, disturbed mind for people born in ascendants and moon signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Libra. 

If you are born with Moon in Punarvasu, Visakha or Poorvashada constellations, Aquarius Ascendant, Aquarius Moon Sign or going through Vimsotari Dasa or Bukti of Jupiter, then March 2016 is the month to be cautious in every aspect of life. 

Do not enter into new partnerships, relations, commitments. Try to maintain harmony in family and also at work.

With Sun and Moon along with Ketu already in Aquarius, Mercury and Venus will join during the solar eclipse time to create tough times for those born in that sign.

Except Saturn, all other planets are taking part in this havoc.

Only Virgo (Kanya) and Aries (Mesha) born will be able to survive this period without much trouble.

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