Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Did You know - The Moon Affects The Body

The ocean waves are a result of the moon’s influence, and astrologers believe that the moon influences the body’s “waves” in much the same way. The body, much like the ocean, is made mostly of water. When you hear someone say they’re acting funny because it’s a full moon, there might actually be some science behind it.
There is even documented proof that more assaults occur around a full moon, giving strong support to the theory the moon affects human behavior.
The frequencies emanating from the Moon affect the frequencies of the mental body, i.e. mind of human beings. By ‘mind’ we mean our feelings, emotions and desires. The mind consists of the conscious mind and the sub-conscious mind. Within the sub-conscious mind we have a number of impressions that are embedded that decide our basic nature and personality.

When the moon is full or new, the gravitational pull of the moon and sun are combined. The moon exerts a pull on the Earth on other days too, but it is not as powerful as on the days of full moon and new moon.
Suppose we were to take in a deep breath, the air sucked into our mouth is three times as much as a normal breath. Now let’s translate this analogy to the Moon and its pull on the Earth. During full moon and new moon days the whole Moon is pulling Earth and the effect is as if in the earlier analogy the Moon is taking a deep breath. We find that the circular atmosphere of three times the size of the moon is attracted from the Earth.

In this process at a physical level when water is attracted towards moon, rather than the water, the gaseous elements in water (water vapour) come above water and enter the subtle high-pressure belt. Since negative energies are predominantly in gaseous form they get pulled into the subtle high-pressure belt. Here they group together and get added strength in numbers from each other. They therefore attack humanity to a larger extent on these days.

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