Friday, January 6, 2017

Importance of Colours in Astrological Remedies

The visible light which is a mixture of seven colors gets exhibited in violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. These colors originate from the Sun and travel in different wave lengths with different energy intensities. 
The visible light is the source of all life and it is responsible for all the environment of the earth which withstands all the plant and animal life including the life of human beings. The main source of energy is the Sun from where the colours originate in waves. 

The importance of color is emphasized for astrological remedies. 
The color of the Sun is a combination of orange and red. The Moon is pale white but it reflects the orange red rays of the Sun. Mars is of red color but it also reflects the yellow rays of the Sun. Mercury is of green color and reflects green rays. Jupiter is of orange-yellow color but reflects mainly blue rays of the spectrum. Venus is considered to be pure white but it also reflects indigo rays of the spectrum. Saturn is of black color and reflects violet rays of the Sun. The two shadow planets Rahu and Ketu have also been assigned colors in Vedic astrology. Rahu is considered to be black while Ketu is brown. 
The Moon is pale white but it reflects the orange red rays of the Sun. Mars is of red color but it also reflects the yellow rays of the Sun. ... Saturn is of black color and reflects violet rays of the Sun. The two shadow planets Rahu and Ketu have also been assigned colors in Vedic astrology.

The role of nine planets which are said to govern the entire life of the native from birth till death and beyond. 
Remedies for strengthening weak planets for bringing a balance in the life of an individual are prescribed by astrologers. May be a mantra, tantra, gem therapy, puja (worship), daan (charity) etc are related with colors. 

Sun : Since the color of Sun is red, the strengthening of Sun in the horoscope of an individual should be done with red flowers or saffron-color items. The recommended stone is ruby which is also red. This color represents energy and power. It also shows vitality and creativity. However, excess of red is harmful. 
Moon : It is pale white. This color contains all the seven colors of the spectrum and has purifying properties. It influences the thought process and leads towards virtue and spirituality. The astrological methods for strengthening the Moon is by using white items like white flowers (white lotus, jasmine, lily etc), milk, curd, rice flour, white sandalwood etc and among the gems white pearl. 
Mars : The red color Mars emits slightly yellowish rays. The difference between Sun red and Mars red is that the red in Sun indicates royalty while the red in Mars indicates violence.For treatment of Mars-related problems red or yellow color is prescribed. The gems prescribed are red coral and pink coral. Herbs and grains are red lentil, ashwagandha (winter cherry), turmeric and onions which coincide with its fiery nature. 
Mercury : This planet is of green color and this color stands for balance, harmony and hope. It has the capacity to calm down agitated nerves and mind. This color is good for people suffering from heart problems. Excess of greens can cause lethargy. Since, Lord Vishnu is symbolized by Mercury, green color basil leaves (tulsi) are recommended for Mercury-related problems. The compatible gemstone is green emerald. 
Jupiter : The color of Jupiter is yellow or yellowish orange. The effects of both these colors are generally positive.Its color has a warming effect and energizes the nervous system. The yellowness produces stimulating effect on intellect. The compatible gemstone for Jupiter is yellow sapphire and yellow topaz. 
Venus : The color is pure white which is a combination of all colors of spectrum. Moon is pale white but Venus is bright white. The effects of the white color are the same as in Moon but Moon represents simplicity while Venus represents sophistication. The compatible gem stone is diamond. 
Saturn : The color of Saturn is black. This color is caused by the absence of light. The rays emitted by Saturn are of violet color. Black is a calming color for agitated persons and is also known for its protective properties. There are negative qualities also like resistance, obstruction, opposition, and enmity. Excess of black is a cause of depression. The compatible gemstone is blue sapphire which is highly risky to recommend because of the fiery nature of the planet. 
Rahu : This shadow planet is regarded as smoky or black in color. Gomedha (hessonite garnet) is the recommended gemstone for Rahu-related issues. 
Ketu : This shadow planet is generally considered brown in color. Brown color is not the original color of the spectrum. The recommended gemstone is cat's eye.

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