Thursday, July 5, 2007

The entry of Saturn in Leo on 16th July 2007

The most significant transit that is taking place during this month in the Vedic Sky is the entry of Saturn in Leo on 16th July 2007. This is happening approximately 2 and half years after Saturn had entered Cancer for the first time in September 2004. However Saturn had earlier entered Leo in December 2006 but had just stayed in Leo till 10th January 2007 and went back to Cancer in its retrograde motion.
Entry of Saturn in Leo has Special significance since Leo is ruled by Sun.
As the power of darkness and obstruction, Saturn is the enemy of Sun and the Moon and has an eclipse-like effect upon them. To that extent the transit of Saturn both through Cancer and Leo is difficult and critical in our life to say the least. In mythology, Saturn is described to be the son of Sun, yet the son is the greatest enemy of Sun.
Saturn brings limitation and obstruction, hindrance in self-expression and in self-manifestation. Jupiter indicates the process of creation and expansion; Saturn brings about contraction and destruction. Jupiter is the God of joy and Saturn is the God of sorrow. Though the power of Saturn to limit or destroy what it influences should not be underestimated, it’s positive value must be considered as well. Growth is the necessary antithesis for creation, as decay and death are required for new life and growth.
We need to balance both Jupiter and Saturn in our life.
Saturn in relation with natal Sun: According to Nadi astrology, the relationship of Saturn in transit with natal Sun marks very clear and distinct changes in our professional career.
Saturn in relation with natal Moon: The relationship of Saturn in transit with natal moon decides onset and ending of Sade Sati or 7 and half-year cycle of Saturn in our life, which we experience every 30 years in our life.
Person who has their natal Moon in Gemini will be relieved to know that Sade Sati will come to an end in their life on 16th July 2007. Those who have their natal Moon in Cancer will now enter the last 2and half-year phase of Sade Sati. Those who have their natal Moon in Leo will enter the second 2and half-year phase of Sade Sati usually the most stressful because Saturn conjoins Moon the significator of mind during this transit. For those who have their Moon in Virgo, this transit will mark the onset of 7 and half-year cycle of Saturn.

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