Be cautious about your financial matters. Accumulated money might get spent. Maintain sweetness of speech and don’t be aggressive while talking. Don’t get into an argument unnecessarily. There is probability of your having harmony with siblings in the first part of the month but there might crop up difference of opinion with them in the second half of the month. The behavior of your mother shall be more positive than your father in this period. Your social reputation shall remain intact. You shall be worried from your children. The probability of your getting into trouble from enemies is not much.
The period is auspicious for buying/selling land, house, vehicle etc. There shall be an increase also in your movable property too.
Education and love
For students this month will not be auspicious. They shall have to concentrate more in their studies. There is probability of your getting into the trouble of difference of opinion with your lover/beloved. The mutual harmony between husband and wife shall remain intact.
Health Problems: - 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23
Remedy: - Donate red articles to Brahmin on Thursday and recite 7 rosaries of the following mantra on Tuesday-
“ Om kraang kreeng kraung sah bhaumaay namah”
The period is auspicious for buying/selling land, house, vehicle etc. There shall be an increase also in your movable property too.
Education and love
For students this month will not be auspicious. They shall have to concentrate more in their studies. There is probability of your getting into the trouble of difference of opinion with your lover/beloved. The mutual harmony between husband and wife shall remain intact.
Health Problems: - 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23
Remedy: - Donate red articles to Brahmin on Thursday and recite 7 rosaries of the following mantra on Tuesday-
“ Om kraang kreeng kraung sah bhaumaay namah”
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