Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ganesha's birthday

The Sanskrit word for Ganesha means one who is the Isha (Lord) of the Ganas (Angelic army). He has incredible intelligence and his strategies are matchless. He was created in the mythological time by the mother Goddess from her own body. Not knowing who he was, the Angelic army fought with him and Ganesha killed everyone who came to fight.
Finally Lord Siva himself interfered and beheaded Ganesha. Later, knowing that he was the son of the Mother Goddess who is his own wife, Siva revived Ganesha. He placed an elephant head on Ganesha's body and made him the Lord of his Divine army.
This Ganesha's birthday is today (03 Sept ' 08) while the moon transits the sign Virgo signifying the sixth house of zodiac. The sixth house signifies the wealth derived from service, profession, business and the status of operations in an organisation. Moreover the planet Ketu, whose overlord is Lord Ganesha is placed in the 11th house to virgo signifying total gains and ultimate blessings to the rituals done.
This rare cosmic imprint occurring during Ganesh Chaturthi will help you to realize all material dreams. The star on the day is Chitra which is the second star to Ganesha's birthstar Hastha, indicating absolute blessings for all wealth creation. Removing obstacles in all areas of life. It is important to enlist his help whether you start a business or going to the court or signing a contract, etc. He removes malefic effects from planets including Saturn. He is a great strategic planner. He finds lost things. Ganesha reveals himself in multiple forms: a warrior, a charmer, wealth giver, obstacle remover. He chose specific vortexes of energy and time periods in which to perform his multiple functions. Dattatreya Siva Baba has identified some of these special temple vortexes for worship during Ganesha's birthday.
Of all the temple vortexes for Ganesha, "Sithalaipathi" is one that defines itself as the rarest. The Ganesha at this place is seen with a human head, prior to Lord Siva's decapitation. It is believed that the worshipping of this Ganesha strengthens relationships by removing all obstacles. Strengthening your relationships with others: your family, children, friends, spouse, ultimately defines your success and sense of belonging.

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