Friday, January 29, 2016

Amavasya 2016 - The No moon Day in Hindu Calendar 2016

In 2016, there are 12 Amavasya based on the Indian Standard Time
Mahalaya Amavasi in 2016 is on September 30. 
Amavasya is known as the no moon day in traditional Hindu calendar. It is the darkest day in the Hindu month and also the last day in a month in the traditional Hindu calendars.
There are many Hindus who undertake a complete fast on Amavasi. 
Some Hindu communities only take a single meal on the day. 
The day is considered apt for doing Tarpan and Shradh for dead parents and other relatives.

February 8, 2016, Monday
March 9, 2016, Wednesday
April 7, 2016, Thursday
May 6, 2016, Friday
June 5, 2016, Sunday
July 4, 2016, Monday
August 2, 2016, Tuesday
September 1, 2016, Thursday
September 30, 2016, Friday - Mahalaya - Pitrupaksha Shradh ends
October 30, 2016, Sunday - Diwali - Lakshmi Puja - Kali Puja
November 29, 2016, Tuesday
December 29, 2016, Wednesday

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